TitleAn Engine Mount Stacked with Auto-Tuning Anti-resonance Dynamic Absorber Consisting of Conical Springs and Vibration Isolation Control Method
著者關口 洸介1) 長屋 幸助2) 吉野 智彦1), 安藤 嘉則2)
AuthorKosuke SEKIGUCHI 1), Kosuke NAGAYA 2), Tomohiko YOSHINO 1) and Yoshinori ANDO 2)
AbstractAn engine mount is developed which is consisting of a fluid filled rubber mount stacked with a variable spring constant absorber. In engine mounts, the transmissibility due to mass vibrations should be small, and high frequency vibration causing noise should be isolated. In the mount developed by the authors, the high frequency vibrations are isolated with a fluid filled rubber mount. It is difficult to suppress both mass vibrations and its transmissibility to the base simultaneously. For suppressing both, the authors applied an anti-resonance control system. In order to achieve the anti-resonance condition, a new type tunable absorber using conical helical spring is developed, and its control method is presented. Using our mount, both the mass vibration and transmissibility can be suppressed, and the amplitude ratio and the transmissibility can be controlled to be less than one which will be difficult to be achieved in the previous mounts. The present mount has other advantages on its compact size, small control energy and simple control system.
著者の所属1) 群馬大学院  2)群馬大学
Belonging1) Gunma University 2) Gunma University
Key WordsEngine, Mount, Auto-tuning, Absorber, Conical Spring, Transmissibility